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Global Device Project Leader, Pharmaceutical Multinational.

own strengths.”

immediately to level up my performance by gaining more confidence in my

“Participating in Rob’s workshop provided me with insights that helped

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Graphic designer (MA)

achieve anything!!"

"So inspiring! Johanna's positive attitude is contagious and she gives you a feeling you can

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Lead Marketing & Communications, Digital Agency.

is a strategy behind it. My day was full of learnings and energizing at the same time.”

everyday life and I learned that defending myself actively isn't particularly bad as long as there

Diving into new perspectives was great and motivating. I got a new set of rules to apply in my

“The workshop on how to deal with difficult people is a day I highly recommend to everyone.

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Senior Scientist, University of Basel.

that during the workshop, so I was really positively surprised.”

positive behaviours I see around me almost every day. And I didn’t expect to hear anything like

“I finally found somebody who could analytically describe many (if not all) of the negative and

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Principal HR Expert, International Banking.

weeks later.”

confidence, provided useful insights and food for thought that I continue to reflect on many

with in a long time. His red, blue and green liners perspective and his tips for improving self-

“I can say that Rob is one of the most engaging and thought provoking trainers I’ve worked

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Senior Scientist, Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna

“Rob is an extraordinary speaker, but also a mind-challenger, a strong motivator.”

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        Our themes will make your site look as pretty as a peach and function like a well-oiled machine.

        Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a full-blown code warrior, our themes will make your site look as pretty as a peach and function like a well-oiled machine.

        Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a full-blown code warrior, our themes will make your site look as pretty as a peach and function like a well-oiled machine.