Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Two selfish reasons to forgive.

Many people have difficulty forgiving others but it really is a skill you should cultivate. And not for other people. Do it for yourself. Forgiving is often seen as a gift or favour to the other person rather than to the forgiver themselves but in my opinion this is not the case. If you don’t […]

Learn to defend yourself.

There is quite a lot of evidence to suggest that the greater the power imbalance in any organisation, group or country, the more abuse takes place. If abusive behaviour is not challenged then it continues. Needless to say, in a company, this abusive behaviour takes a heavy toll on productivity. People get demotivated, they spend […]

Two selfish reasons to forgive.

Many people have difficulty forgiving others but it really is a skill you should cultivate. And not for other people. Do it for yourself. Forgiving is often seen as a gift or favour to the other person rather than to the forgiver themselves but in my opinion this is not the case. If you don’t […]

Learn to defend yourself.

There is quite a lot of evidence to suggest that the greater the power imbalance in any organisation, group or country, the more abuse takes place. If abusive behaviour is not challenged then it continues. Needless to say, in a company, this abusive behaviour takes a heavy toll on productivity. People get demotivated, they spend […]